Exploring Dire Dawa, Ethiopia in Portraits

Though we often travel throughout Ethiopia and the region we really enjoy being home. And home for Ayaana is Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa. When home we try and work on personal projects around the community. These are a selection of portraits we’ve recently completed in hopes of showing our ability to capture environmental portraits with location lighting. Enjoy!

Images for Dhugasho Proposal

A few months back we submitted a proposal to the Swiss embassy here in Ethiopia to expand Dhugasho and grow it's reach. From research we've found Somalis are by and large accessing Dhugasho via mobile phones. We wanted to show this in the images we included in the proposal. Take a look at what we came up with and be sure to follow Dhugasho on Facebook here.

Image Library for CCL

With the number of social media apps growing daily it’s becoming increasingly important for companies and NGOs to have lots of visual content for their audience. This is one of the reasons why an image library can be so valuable. It gives you a pool of assets which last a long time and can be used outside of social media.

We’ve worked with CCL before (see here), we love their mission and were excited about the idea of creating a library for them to utilize. It was a quick shoot with a short turnaround but that didn’t prevent us from making some high quality images.

This shoot took place in and around their offices in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We came away with some real world situations that exemplifies who CCL is and what they do.

Salemta Coffee Article

Have you flown with Ethiopian Airlines in the last year? If so, you may have noticed this coffee cover feature of the in-air Selamta Magazine. One of our photographers was brought on to contribute his photos to the Nov-Dec 2018 issue telling the story of coffee. Here is a glimpse into the article! You can still see the complete digital article here.

Vintage Addis Ababa Book Launch

This November we launched our latest book, Vintage Addis Ababa: Recollections of Everyday People. It was a wonderful evening at Alliance Ethio-Française with an indoor and outdoor photography exhibition, live music, guests from the Swiss and French embassies as well as those who are featured in the book! Below are a few analog photos of the event to fit the vintage aesthetic of the book.

Vintage Addis HP5+001.jpg

If you haven’t picked up your own copy of Vintage Addis Ababa, it is available for purchase directly from us or on Amazon USA.

If you are in Addis Ababa you can get your copy at Book World or have it delivered to your home by Deliver Addis.